Pignato breaks down lubrication techniques and tips for the 2011® platform using the Staccato XL and Staccato C2 models. Subscribe to our channel to be notified when videos like these are uploaded!… Difficulty: Easy Due to the number of customers we’ve had asking how to check extractor tension on their STI pistols, we’ve created this short, easy to follow video to help better explain. Difficulty: MediumDue to the number of customers we’ve had asking how to take apart and reassemble the bottom end of their STI 2011 pistols, we’ve created this short, easy to follow video to help better explain. (Useful if you’re changing grips or swapping out small parts.)–e8Qidju6s You’re 2011 is a precision machined match fit handgun and these tight tolerances mean that you need lube for ideal function and performance. Tony talks with David Cupp, Shawn Armstrong and Eddie Garcia about aftermarket grips, fitting and problems with incorrect installation. Dave talks you through the installation of the the Leupold Delta Point Pro in the Staccato P 2011 from STI Firearms.